Nuisance Abatement Request and Complaint

Please fill out the form below and click the submit button to have your complaint sent to the Village Clerk.

* indicates required fields

IMPORTANT! Valid and complete complaintant information is required for the Village to take action on a reported incident. Anonymous, incomplete, or false contact information will void the submission, and no action other than acknowledgement of the submission will be taken. The identity and personal information of the person(s) reporting the incident will remain confidential unless legal action is required. Complaintants will be asked for permission by the Village before any private information is shared for the purpose of prosecution of illegal activities.


*Incident Address: (where the violation occurred--within Village limits)
Hoosick Falls, NY.

*Incident Date:

*Incident Time:

*Incident Type: (examples: code violation, ordinance violation, criminal act, etc.)
If you are unsure, please type "unsure" in the field. Do not leave it blank.



*Complaintant Name: (your name)

*Complaintant Address: (your address)

*Complaintant Phone Number: (in case Village staff has questions about your submission)

*e-mail address: (e-mail addresses are encrypted for your protection)



*Today's date:

*Please provide details of the violation.

Please provide names of any associated persons, or witnesses.

Upon clicking the "submit" button below, your completed form will be emailed directly to the Village Clerk's office for processing. Depending on incident type, it will be forwarded to the Police Department or the Code Enforcement office for appropriate investigation/action and follow-up. It may also be recorded in the nuisance points total for a particular repeat-offender property. You may receive a call or email from a Village employee if they have questions about your complaint. Please be sure all required fields are completed before submitting the form.