Municipal Water
New York State
Hoosick Water Hotline:
- United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) — Website
- Larisa Romanowski
187 Wolf Road, Suite 303
Albany, NY 12205
email - EPA-Hoosick Falls Drinking Water and Groundwater PFOA Contamination FAQ
- EPA Emerging Contaminants (PFOA PFOS) Fact Sheet—March 2014.
- Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), Perfluorooctyl Sulfonate (PFOS), and Other Long-Chain Perfluorinated Chemicals (LCPFCs)
- Peer Review of Health Effects Documents for PFOA and PFOS
- Provisional Health Advisories for Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) and Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS)—2009
- New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) — Website
- PFOA in Drinking Water in the Village of Hoosick Falls and Town of Hoosick (Includes contact information)
- PFOA in Hoosick Falls Long Fact Sheet
- Cancer incidences by zip code
- Environmental Facilities and Cancer Mapping To use the mapping:
- Go to the mapping link above
- Select the "Counties" and "Five Year Cancer Counts" check boxes in the top list
- Type "12090" in the Address field and click "Find" (that will put a red marker on Hoosick Falls)
- Click the little Globe and magnifying glass up in the top menu (that will zoom out to the whole state and leave the red marker at Hoosick Falls)
- Click any of the cancers listed to see where cancer rates are above, and below expected in the entire state. If Hoosick has elevated levels for any of the cancers, there will be a little pink circle outlined in red there.
- Private Well Testing: If you have a private well that you would like tested, the New York State Department of Health has offered to assist. To request testing you can contact Albert DeMarco at 518-402-7860, or send an email to If you have arranged for your own testing of your well, please notify the EPA of the results by contacting Larisa Romanowski at 518-407-0400 or Because of limited staff and resources, private well testing in the vicinity of the known contamination area will be given priority over additional well testing.
- Rensselaer County Department of Health — Website
- American Cancer Society — Website
- Teflon and Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA)
- C8 Science Panel — Website
- C8 is the same as PFOA. The panel was formed to study the impact of PFOA on the population of the Mid-Ohio Valley after PFOA contamination had been discovered there.
- Newsletter Archive
- Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) — Website
- Perfluorinated Chemicals and Your Health
- Toxic FAQ's for PFOA, PFOS
- Toxicological Profile for PFOA, PFOS
- HACA Water Distribution — Local volunteers will be picking up and distributing jugs of water for those in need in our community. Anyone who may need assistance and are home-bound, eldery or have transportation issues may contact the Village Clerk's office at 518-686-7072 between the hours of 8:30am and 3:30pm Monday through Friday. During non-business hours, call the HF Police Department at 686-7571.
The Minnesota Department of Health studied the effectiveness of point-of-use water treatments in removing PFCs from tap water in the home. Information on that study can be found here.¹
The New Jersey Drinking Water Quality Institute Treatment Subcommittee have researched and developed Recommendations on Perflourinated Compound Treatment Options for Drinking Water.
Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) in Drinking Water—Prepared by the Canadian Federal-Provincial-Territorial Committe on Drinking Water (6/30/2016).
Bennington College Center for Advancement of Public Action—Understanding PFOA
¹ Sharing this information does not constitute a recommendation by the Village of Hoosick Falls or the Minnesota Department of Health.