A tentative agenda is available at the Village Clerk's office. Additional items may be added to any agenda prior to the 7:00pm meeting.
Chair: Aaron Buzzinski
Board Members:
The Planning Board meets as needed, with a regular meeting times on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm at the Municipal Building at 24 Main Street. There isn't always a need, so feel free to contact the Village Office to find out if a particular monthly meeting is to be expected.
For specific information concerning public hearings, meeting agendas and meeting dates, please email the Village Clerk at clerk@hfvillage.org or call the Village Office at: 518-686-7072.
We are looking for alternates for the Planning Board, should a member need to recuse themselves for Planning Board business. If you are interested, please contact the Village Office or email the clerk at clerk@hfvillage.org for more information.
The Planning Board meetings are open to the general public.
A tentative agenda is available at the Village Clerk's office. Additional items may be added to any agenda prior to the 7:00pm meeting.